Dear Mable,
I know I’m a techie because I raised three techies. There, isn’t that impressive? These days that makes me really important. It’s good to be tech savvy. Let me share a few little bits of knowledge for you because I know you’ve been asking questions about this techie jargon.
My son got a Raspberry for his birthday. It’s one of those little things you hold in your hand and it does amazing things that no one else can see. I’m not sure what it does in your hand, but I know my Sammy used to do things in my hand that I didn’t want others to know about… but I don’t think it is the same because when his Raspberry does something, he says…”Dude.” Then everyone looks impressed. Raspberries are like Blackberries but noisier. It has a few brothers and sisters, there’s the Strawberry for the Farm. Apparently you can trade chores just like we used to do on the farm, but it is a lot cleaner, not all that manure and stuff. I bet you didn’t know that! There’s the Marion berry for those women named Marion, and a Blueberry for those in the far north.
My son got me a new techie thing for my birthday. It’s a remote control so I can Play Station too. Whatever Station is. I’m not sure if it’s a radio station or a TV station. I tried to use it on the radio but that didn’t work to change the stations. Well, I’ll learn before my next letter, Mable, so maybe you can get one too.
Speaking of stations, the fire station had a great time the other day. They drove all over Floppy Drive you know, where the old folks live, for what was burning until they realized that they were on the wrong street. They finally found what they were looking for on CD Rom Drive. Once they got there, they had a ball with their new CD Burner. It took them all afternoon. Smokeless too.
The other day my daughter asked me how many Megs my computer had. She’s a little addlebrained. I think she must have meant to ask how many computers my friend Meg had. Anyway, daughter took me shopping. It was a lot of fun shopping with her.
I bought several modems for one of my female friends with bios problems and hot flashes. For shower gifts I’ve found the perfect gift. I give them a motherboard… you know, one of those little things Native American women used to keep their babies on? They bundled them all up and hung them on a tree. These modern ones must be kits or something because they come in this little box.
Tonight several couples are coming over to play a game of video cards. My son said audio cards are more fun, but since I’m just learning I think we’ll stick to the video cards.
I noticed that several of my kids’ computer devices have a lot of gigs. Our band used to play for gigs, but I think this might be a little different. Well, I want you to be aware that this is a place where everybody gets together and writes notes via e-mail so they can get them to the post office on time.
I think they all set their laptops up and then e-mail everyone in the room. (A laptop used to be a little quilt that the women’s circle made for shut-ins, but now they are used for computer nerds too.) The other day I pushed my laptop off my lap when she tried to bite my mouse.
As you can see, I am really good at this techie stuff. If you have any questions, just call my game boy. He’ll come get me in a flash.
Your Friend
Ima Nerd
I know I’m a techie because I raised three techies. There, isn’t that impressive? These days that makes me really important. It’s good to be tech savvy. Let me share a few little bits of knowledge for you because I know you’ve been asking questions about this techie jargon.
My son got a Raspberry for his birthday. It’s one of those little things you hold in your hand and it does amazing things that no one else can see. I’m not sure what it does in your hand, but I know my Sammy used to do things in my hand that I didn’t want others to know about… but I don’t think it is the same because when his Raspberry does something, he says…”Dude.” Then everyone looks impressed. Raspberries are like Blackberries but noisier. It has a few brothers and sisters, there’s the Strawberry for the Farm. Apparently you can trade chores just like we used to do on the farm, but it is a lot cleaner, not all that manure and stuff. I bet you didn’t know that! There’s the Marion berry for those women named Marion, and a Blueberry for those in the far north.
My son got me a new techie thing for my birthday. It’s a remote control so I can Play Station too. Whatever Station is. I’m not sure if it’s a radio station or a TV station. I tried to use it on the radio but that didn’t work to change the stations. Well, I’ll learn before my next letter, Mable, so maybe you can get one too.
Speaking of stations, the fire station had a great time the other day. They drove all over Floppy Drive you know, where the old folks live, for what was burning until they realized that they were on the wrong street. They finally found what they were looking for on CD Rom Drive. Once they got there, they had a ball with their new CD Burner. It took them all afternoon. Smokeless too.
The other day my daughter asked me how many Megs my computer had. She’s a little addlebrained. I think she must have meant to ask how many computers my friend Meg had. Anyway, daughter took me shopping. It was a lot of fun shopping with her.
I bought several modems for one of my female friends with bios problems and hot flashes. For shower gifts I’ve found the perfect gift. I give them a motherboard… you know, one of those little things Native American women used to keep their babies on? They bundled them all up and hung them on a tree. These modern ones must be kits or something because they come in this little box.
Tonight several couples are coming over to play a game of video cards. My son said audio cards are more fun, but since I’m just learning I think we’ll stick to the video cards.
I noticed that several of my kids’ computer devices have a lot of gigs. Our band used to play for gigs, but I think this might be a little different. Well, I want you to be aware that this is a place where everybody gets together and writes notes via e-mail so they can get them to the post office on time.
I think they all set their laptops up and then e-mail everyone in the room. (A laptop used to be a little quilt that the women’s circle made for shut-ins, but now they are used for computer nerds too.) The other day I pushed my laptop off my lap when she tried to bite my mouse.
As you can see, I am really good at this techie stuff. If you have any questions, just call my game boy. He’ll come get me in a flash.
Your Friend
Ima Nerd