Ashley that I wrote about in March has found herself in real hot water and I'm not sure how she is going to get out of it yet. Some day she will get her act together. Until then I have one quote from her I especially like: "Unlike Victoria, I actually have secrets," she said.
That isn't the only thing I've been doing of course. My husband and I have begun a new project house, The Basement House or as we are beginning to call it The HERD House, is a charming, under cared for 1939 house on nearly a half acre.
It comes with it's own set of problems. There are no appliances, ancient smoke alarms, and I think most faucets in the house are leaking. Outdoors, the gutters have some downspouts, one of which ends just above the gas meter and the electrical service entrance to the house. We might want to fix that ASAP before the rains start if they ever do. The unattached garage has a section of 'natural' skylight in the roof as well as coming with a full compliment of homeless amenities that we must get rid of. (Hopefully there are no bodies in there.)
In addition we have been privileged to watch as Bambi and Thumper met.When they first saw each other, Bambi advanced, while Thumper sat still. When they got about 2 feet apart, Thumper ran. Bambi held still. Then Thumper crept back. Bambi stretched out his head to sniff and so did Thumper. They didn't actually touch, but close. And they did a little bit of back and forth dancing each in their own way.
See you back here soon.